Your feet were designed to be strong, flexible, and durable. Though some people think feet are a beautiful part of the body, most of us would rather hide our tootsies than show them off!
As an esthetician and reflexologist, I have heard many complaints from clients regarding their feet: “They constantly hurt.” “My calluses are so thick I have to cut them with a knife.” “My toenails are getting narrow, thick, and ugly.” “I’m constantly battling foot odor and sweaty feet.” Most of these problems are easily rectified.
Ill-fitting footwear can cause myriad foot problems, and you may find that purchasing proper-fitting, “sensible” shoes will solve problems of corns, calluses, chronic aches, and tiredness. Today you can find many shoe styles created with both comfort and fashion in mind.
Foot odor, a common and embarrassing problem, can usually be remedied by wearing natural fiber or moisture-wicking socks and shoes that breathe or going barefoot as much as possible.
If you have other foot problems, such as bunions, hammertoes, fallen arches or flat feet, excessive perspiration and odor, or toenail fungus that won’t go away, see a podiatrist.
For basic care and preventive maintenance, treat your feet with the following recipes, which are designed to bring relief to your tired, rough, itchy, dry, thickened, abused, neglected, and odoriferous dogs.
Invigorating Foot Scrub
This scrub is quick and easy to make and leaves feet feeling soft, smooth, tingly, and refreshed. Mix this recipe as needed; do not store.
Yield: 1 treatment
Prep time: 5 minutes
Skin Types Recommended for: rough, dry, callused feet
- 1⁄4 cup cornmeal
- 1⁄4 cup ground oatmeal
- 1 tablespoon sea salt or table salt
- About 1⁄3 cup purified or tap water
- 3–4 drops lemon or peppermint essential oil
To Make
Combine the cornmeal, oatmeal, and salt in a small bowl with enough water to form a creamy, gritty paste. If it’s too thin, add more cornmeal; if too thick, add more water.
Allow thickening for a minute or so. Add a few drops of the essential oil and stir again.
To Apply
Sit on the edge of the bathtub or on a bench in the shower and massage your feet with this mixture — really scrub all those rough areas and between your toes.
Rinse and dry thoroughly, and follow with an application of thick moisturizing cream or balm combined with a few drops of either essential oil.
Use daily or as needed.
Note: Make sure to clean the bathtub right after this procedure, as a large number of ground meals may continue to thicken and potentially clog the drain.
Soothing Foot Soak
This recipe softens leathery feet, deodorizes, and helps relieve the itchiness of athlete’s foot.
Following this foot soak, use a pumice stone or pedicure wand to buff away any softened calluses. Mix this recipe as needed; do not store.
Yield: 1 treatment
Prep time: 5 minutes
Skin Types Recommended for: dry, rough, odorous, or itchy feet
- 2 cups apple cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
To Make
Combine the vinegar and glycerin in a foot tub (such as a plastic dishpan) with enough water, warm or cold, to cover your feet and ankles. Swish with your feet to blend.
To Apply
Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes. Pat dry and follow with a coating of moisturizer or balm.
Use daily or as desired.
Sweet Relief for Your Feet
Foot rollers are available in health food stores, online, and in shops that sell bath products. They are wonderful for relieving sore, tired feet. I prefer the wooden ones that have raised ridges from one end to the other.
And remember: a foot massage is a luxury to receive! Massage your loved one’s clean feet with any base oil mixed with a few drops of your favorite essential oil; peppermint, lavender, sweet orange, cardamom, or ginger are always nice.
This is a great way to spend the evening with your “sole” mate!
No More Calluses Foot Soak
If you use this treatment on a consistent basis, your feet will become softer and healthier, and unsightly calluses will be a problem of the past (provided you’re also wearing proper-fitting shoes).
You might just decide you want to show off those tootsies! Mix this recipe as needed; do not store.
You’ll need a pumice stone or pedicure wand for the scrub part of this treatment.
Yield: 1 treatment
Prep time: 5 minutes
Skin Types Recommended for: rough, callused feet
- 1⁄2 cup baking soda
- 1⁄2 cup sea salt or table salt
To Make
Fill a foot tub (such as a plastic dishpan) with enough comfortably warm or hot water to cover your feet and ankles. Add the baking soda and salt and swish with your feet to dissolve them.
To Apply
Soak your feet for 15 or 20 minutes, or longer if you have very thick calluses. Remove one foot from the water and, while still wet, gently scrub any calluses with a pumice stone or pedicure wand.
When loose skin begins building up on the scrubbing tool, dip it and your foot back into the foot tub, rinse, and begin again if necessary. Repeat the process with your other foot.
When you’re done, roughly rub your feet dry and apply a thick cream or your favorite balm, then don natural-fiber socks.
This final application will continue to soften your feet throughout the day or overnight.
You can also follow this scrubbing procedure while taking a bath after your feet have become soft.
Use daily or as needed.
All Your Marbles Foot Refresher
The foot exercise and muscle stimulation combined with invigorating essential oils and Epsom salt refresh and relieve achy, swollen feet.
This soak is recommended for joggers, walkers, and anyone who is on their feet all day. Mix this recipe as needed; do not store.
Yield: 1 treatment
Prep time: 10 minutes
Skin Types Recommended for: tired, achy, swollen feet
- 1⁄2 cup Epsom salt
- 5–10 drops eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, peppermint, rosemary (ct. verbenone or non-chemotype-specific), or sweet orange essential oil
- 2–3 cups medium marbles
To Make
Combine the Epsom salt and essential oil in a foot tub (such as a plastic dishpan) with enough comfortably hot or cold-as-you-can-stand water to cover your feet and ankles.
Swish with your feet to blend, then add enough marbles to almost cover the bottom of the tub.
To Apply
Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes while gently rolling them back and forth over the marbles. Occasionally grasp and release the marbles with your toes.
This action stretches and relaxes the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in your feet. When you’re finished soaking, roughly rub your feet dry and apply a soothing lotion mixed with a few drops of one of the essential oils.
Use daily or as desired.
Feelin’ Fresh Foot Powder
This recipe makes a very effective deodorizing foot and underarm powder. It can also be used to prevent diaper rash on baby bottoms — but omit the essential oil in this case, please.
Yield: 21⁄4 cups
Prep time: 15 minutes, plus 3 days for the fragrance to synergize
Skin Types Recommended for: prevention of foot odor and dampness
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons powdered white clay
- 2 tablespoons zinc oxide powder
100 drops eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary (ct. verbenone or non-chemotype specific), sweet orange, tea tree, or thyme (ct. linalool) essential oil
To Make
Combine the baking soda, cornstarch, clay, and zinc oxide in a medium bowl and gently mix with a whisk, or place the ingredients in a food processor and pulse a few times.
Add the essential oil a few drops at a time and blend with the whisk, or continue pulsing the food processor as you add the drops.
Transfer the powder to an airtight container and store in a dark, cool place for 3 days to allow the essential oil’s fragrance and deodorizing properties to permeate the mixture.
After 3 days, package the blend in small shaker containers. Label and date.
To Store
No refrigeration is required, but for maximum fragrance and potency, please use within 1 year. Store in a dark, cool cabinet.
To Apply
Sprinkle the powder into your shoes and socks once or twice daily, or simply sprinkle onto dry, bare feet whenever desired.