Important Signs That Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Deal with It

Too much of anything is harmful for our bodies. So it is obvious that when our bodies are acidic beyond a certain level, it becomes an unhealthy body. Acidic environments are a boon for bacteria, illness, and yeast. The body also uses minerals present in our bones and vital organs to get rid of acid and expel it.

Thereby, the body might lose large portions of these vital minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Their absence might go undetected before the body cannot handle it any further which leads to acidosis.

Important Signs That Your Body Is Too Acidic And How To Deal with It

So, to help our bodies get rid of all this acid generation, a healthy intake of alkaline food is a must.

Unbalanced acid in the body a.k.a acidosis can cause health problems such as:

  1. Sensitive and inflamed gums, cavities
  2. Deficient immune system
  3. Stiff neck, backache
  4. Problems in breathing, coughing, other respiratory issues
  5. Increased yeast, fungal growth
  6. Blood vessel blockage, oxygen reduction
  7. Faster heart-beat, arrhythmias, heart ailments
  8. Gaining weight, insulin inhibition, obesity
  9. Kidney and bladder infections
  10. Free radical damage acceleration
  11. Aging prematurely
  12. Stomach problems, vomiting, diarrhea
  13. Bone density loss, osteoporosis, fractures in hips
  14. Drowsiness, loss of focus, headaches
  15. Acne, skin problems, allergies

Understanding The Level of your pH is important

You should start by getting information about your pH because it lets you get an accurate insight into the level of acidification present in the body. A pH reading in the range of 6.75-7.25 is considered as a healthy pH reading.

Acidity cannot be distinguished based solely on taste alone

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of acidic food is lemon. But the interesting fact is that lemon becomes alkaline by the time it reaches our stomach. The acid contained in lemon gets oxidized into water and oxygen. That helps the body avoid high acidic concentration.

Foods which contain calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and sodium help our body alkalize acids. Hence, they’re considered to be alkaline forming foods. Both alkalinity and acidity are common factors in most foods. The ones with higher alkaline minerals are usually considered alkaline and vice versa.

The human body has thresholds

A balanced diet is important because the body cannot compensate for all the additional acidic minerals that we consume. A lot of diseases and sickness are the end results of our bodies’ efforts to balance out the acidic environment in our systems.

Eating too much acid forming food such as meats, dairy, grains and sugar will lead to our bodies becoming acidic. While, on the contrary, eating too much alkaline-inducing foods such as greens, sea vegetables and fruits will lead to high alkaline concentration in the system. Harmony of foods is essential.

You can improve alkaline concentration by:

  • Regular pH checks to stay informed
  • Healthy intake of water and alkaline water whenever possible
  • Reducing acidic food intake
  • Having a healthy green salad instead or regular wheat or grains
  • Replacing flour based wraps with collard greens and lettuce leaves
  • Reduction in the intake of processed foods
  • Replace soda, sugar, and coffee with herbal coffee, green drinks and herbal tea
  • Switching dairy with coconut, almond, or soy milk
  • Drinking green juices and smoothies

Eating Right is Valuable

Eating right and keeping the right pH levels might seem like an uphill task, but once you start to feel the benefits, the reward will definitely be worth it. You will start feeling like you have more energy and the whole index of your health will definitely get better.

Eating has obvious direct benefits on our health as well as harmful repercussions. So eat right, exercise, and life will be happy and hearty.

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