The information on the Nutrition Facts label—that small box of
nutrition-related data on the back of all food packages—has stayed
pretty much the same since its introduction back in 1993. But earlier
this year, the FDA approved a number of revisions to the panel. The
changes reflect the evolving scientific evidence on the connections
between diet and chronic illness—particularly obesity and heart disease.
The updated labels won't be mandatory for nearly two years, but the
agency provided a preview (see "The new label: What's different?").
These changes may benefit consumers not only by helping them choose more
nutritious foods, but also by driving the food industry to make
products healthier, says Dr. Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and
nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Many of the
changes are relevant for people concerned about heart disease—especially
the new data on added sugars.
How sweet it is
"The single most important part of the label change is adding
information on added sugars," says Dr. Rimm. Growing evidence suggests
people who eat sugar-rich diets are more likely to die from
complications of diabetes and heart disease. The average American eats
about 22 teaspoons of sugar a day, mostly from processed and prepared
foods. Some sugars occur naturally in foods, such as fructose in fruit
and lactose in milk; the rest are added. Some show up in foods that you
might not expect, such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, and jarred spaghetti
sauce (see "How to spot added sugars").
But the 2015 federal dietary guidelines recommend limiting added sugar
to less than 10% of calories. That translates to roughly 12 teaspoons
(48 grams) for a 2,000-calorie diet—a calorie target that's about right
for most men but a bit high for many women.
The new label will include a line listing the grams and Daily Value (%
DV) of added sugar. As an example, a breakfast cereal with 20 grams of
added sugar per serving would account for 40% of the maximum amount of
added sugar a person should consume per day.
Adding awareness
The change should help people become more aware of how much added sugar
they're consuming from packaged foods. It's hard to get the healthful
nutrients you need when you "spend" too many of your calories on sugar.
"If you drink 150 calories of a sugary beverage, that's very different
from consuming 150 calories from an olive oil–based dressing," Dr. Rimm
explains. A big dose of concentrated sugar messes up your release of
insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar levels), which can leave
you hungrier later and trigger your body to store fat more readily.
If you instead drizzle an olive oil–based dressing on vegetables, you'll
feel more satiated and get far more heart-healthy nutrients (especially
the monounsaturated fat in the oil) for about the same amount of
calories. "It's not just about what you eat, but what that particular
food choice replaces in your diet," Dr. Rimm says.
Reformulations afoot?
One possible effect of the label change is that companies might
reformulate their products to reduce added sugars, similar to what has
already happened with trans fat. Partially hydrogenated oils (the main
source of artery-damaging trans fats) have been almost completely
eliminated from processed foods, thanks to an earlier FDA mandate. The
reduction won't be as dramatic for sugar because many products depend on
added sugars for flavor, notes Dr. Rimm. But just like cutting back on
salt, eating less sugar trains your palate so you don't crave it as
much, he says.
Other label changes might modify the buying habits of people who are
worried about weight gain, which also contributes to heart disease risk.
Some serving sizes will change to more closely reflect what people
typically consume. For example, a serving of ice cream will change from
half a cup to two-thirds of a cup, and the grams of sugar and the
calorie count will reflect that increase. The more prominent calorie
listing will also make it easier for people to compare calories in
bread, yogurt, and other commonly eaten staples.
Potassium and vitamin D
The addition of potassium and vitamin D to the label stems from recent
research on the importance of these nutrients for health, coupled with
the fact that most American diets don't provide very much of either one.
Potassium-rich diets appear to help lower blood pressure. When selecting
frozen or canned fruits and vegetables, choose those with high
potassium and low sodium, since sodium raises blood pressure, advises
Dr. Rimm. Inadequate vitamin D levels have been linked to cardiovascular
disease, but exactly why that's so—and how much vitamin D people
actually need—remains unclear. Ongoing studies should provide clarity.
Vitamin D occurs naturally in many types of fatty fish, eggs, and
cheese. Milk, many breakfast cereals, and some brands of yogurt and
orange juice are fortified with vitamin D.