Marin County native Jamie Nicholson is an inspiring role model for
body positivity. Even though her body has on multiple occasions been
called “every man’s fantasy” and “literally perfect,” she has learned to
love it.
“It is disturbing that guys are so attracted to me,” she said, “but I don’t let that get in the way of my self-esteem.”
says she is approached by men on a regular basis and has been asked for
her number at the grocery store, bars, and even walking her dog! This
universal approval has caused her a lot of stress and internal conflict;
Nicholson even went so far as to say, “Men are such awful creatures…it
just seems like they all want me, and think I’m so hot, blah blah blah.
It’s pretty disturbing.”
At times Nicholson has considered
changing her appearance to decrease her desirability. She says she’s
thought long and hard about how her long blonde hair might be less
attention-grabbing in a short bob, her tan body hidden under looser,
less form-fitting clothing, her green eyes less mesmerizing if not set
off by a wisp of black eyeliner. Even though these thoughts have crossed
her mind, however, Nicholson refuses to wilt under the pressure to
change herself for others.
“My mother always taught me to be
strong,” Nicholson said, fighting back tears. “I deserve to look however
makes me feel most comfortable, even if it causes men, women, and
children pure aesthetic joy.”
Therapy, the support of her
friends, and years of seeing her body type reflected on every billboard,
magazine cover, and movie star has helped her get where she is today:
truly content with her body. “Even though the Vitruvian man would
probably be based on me if Da Vinci drew him today, I’ve learned to love
me for me,” says Nicholson. “I’m a size two, and I’m OK with that.”
coming all this way, Nicholson hopes to continue to be an example of
self-love and body positivity. “I hope women everywhere know that even
if they’re stopped six times a day to ask if they’re signed with an
agency, they’re still beautiful.”