kidneys problems 10 warning signs you may have

Every day, our brain processes tons of information and our body performs thousands of actions. Because of the frenzied pace of life, it is very easy not to notice the signals for help that the body sends. And ignoring health problems can lead to serious consequences. 

kidneys problems 10 warning signs you may have

Delta-Feed has compiled a list of signs that indicate that your kidneys are not working properly.

10-Sleep problems :
When your kidneys do not function properly, toxins are not eliminated from the body through urine and remain in the blood. Increased levels of toxins cause insomnia. Therefore, if you do not sleep well, there is a possibility of kidney problems.

Be careful: People with chronic kidney disease are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. This is a disorder that causes the cessation of pulmonary ventilation during sleep for more than 10 seconds. After each pause, normal breathing returns with a loud snort. Continuous strong snoring signals that you should consult a doctor.

9-Headaches, fatigue, and general weakness :
Healthy and properly functioning kidneys synthesize vitamin D in our body to strengthen bones and produce the hormone erythropoietin. It plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. When the kidneys function poorly, they produce less erythropoietin. A decrease in the level of red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the blood, leads to fatigue of the muscles and brain.

Be careful: For people with kidney problems, anemia is typical. It can develop when kidney function decreases by 20-50 %. If you get enough rest and sleep but still feel tired and weak, you should immediately consult a doctor.

8-Dry and itchy skin :
Healthy kidneys remove harmful substances and excess fluid from the blood, helping to produce red blood cells and maintaining the necessary amount of minerals in the body. Itching and dry skin indicate the inability of the kidneys to maintain the correct balance of minerals and nutrients, and this can lead to bone and kidney diseases.

Be careful: If you have dry and itchy skin, try using moisturizers. Remember: Before taking any medications for itching, you should consult your doctor. Some medications contain ingredients that can cause even more damage to the kidneys.

7-Bad breath and metallic taste :
When harmful substances accumulate in the blood, the taste of food changes, and there is metallic in the mouth. Bad breath is another sign of a high concentration of toxins in the blood. Also, there is a possibility of losing your appetite, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Be careful: There are various reasons why food can have a metallic taste (from allergies to poor oral health). As a rule, it should disappear if these factors are eliminated. If the taste remains, you need to consult a doctor.

6-Inconsistent breath :
he link between kidney disease and shortness of breath, especially after little effort, is due to two factors. First, excess fluid in the body gets into the lungs when the kidneys are not working properly. Secondly, anemia deprives the body of oxygen, which leads to shortness of breath.

Be careful: There are various causes of shortness of breath, from kidney failure to asthma, lung cancer, or heart disease. If you notice that you are constantly experiencing shortness of breath after you put a little effort in, you should immediately consult a doctor.

5-Swelling of the ankles and hands :
Kidneys that do not function properly do not remove excess fluid from the body. This causes sodium retention, which causes swelling of the ankles, legs, and arms. Swelling of the lower body can also signal heart disease, liver disease, or problems with the veins.

Be careful: Taking the necessary medications, reducing salt intake, and removing excess fluid from the body can stop edema. If this does not help, you should consult your doctor.

4-Back pain :
Kidney problems can lead to back pain, which is felt right under the rib cage. It can be felt in the front of the groin or the thighs. Back and leg pain can occur due to the formation of cysts in the kidneys — large sacs filled with fluid.

Tip: Back Pain caused by kidney failure is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, vomiting, high body temperature, and frequent urination. Back pain, which does not correlate with the kidneys, feels different: it is localized and occurs suddenly, without an increase in temperature. If the back continues to hurt, and the pills do not help, you should consult a doctor.

3-Swollen eyes :
An early sign that the work of kidney filters is disrupted is the appearance of protein in the urine. This can lead to puffiness around the eyes. The kidneys pass a large amount of protein into the urine (and should retain it and distribute it throughout the body), so the eyes swell.

The Council: If you get enough sleep and get enough protein from your food, but still notice puffiness, don’t forget to make an appointment with your doctor.

2-High blood pressure :
The circulatory system and kidneys depend on each other. The kidneys have nephrons that filter harmful substances and remove excess fluid from the blood. If the blood vessels are damaged, the nephrons do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, high blood pressure is the second main cause of kidney failure.

Tip: It is important to control your blood pressure to avoid kidney failure. You should add foods rich in folic acid to your diet since it is involved in the production of red blood cells and will help prevent anemia.

1-Changing the color of urine :
Your kidneys are responsible for producing urine and removing harmful substances through it. Changes in the frequency of urination, smell, color, and appearance of urine can not be ignored. Types of changes include:

Frequent urination, especially at night. The norm is from 4 to 10 times a day.
Blood in the urine. Healthy kidneys filter out waste blood to produce urine, but if the filters are damaged, then blood cells can get into it.
Presence of foamy urine. Bubbles indicate that there is an overabundance of protein in the urine.
Have you ever had kidney problems? Have you noticed any of the above symptoms? Tell us about your experience.

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