Tips To Get Naturally Thick And Long Eyelashes

Do you dream for those thick and long eyelashes and want to know How to grow eyelashes fast ?Well, who doesn’t want to have those beautiful and attractive eyes with thick lashes? There are many factors like age, genetics and other medical conditions that affect the growth of the eyelashes.  We cannot alter their effects, but we certainly can increase the growth of the lashes by using the home remedies.

Longer eyelashes are what women around the world look for. That’s why mascaras are used to give it a longer shape. Here are secrets which are going to be your mantras for long curled lashes you always dream of. Follow these tips and flaunt your eyelashes.

Tips To Get Naturally Thick And Long Eyelashes

Eyes without lashes are like Cake without Frosting.’ Do you feel frustrated when you have to use mascara or fake eyelashes to make your eyelashes look long and beautiful? Well, you don’t have to feel frustrated anymore! Beautiful lashes are a blink away. Yes, we are not kidding at all! There are many natural ways to give your eyelashes that gorgeous look you are longing for. Yes, there are plenty of home remedies you can try and grow your eyelashes naturally

How to grow eyelashes fast ?

1. Curl it right

Eyelash curlers are one of the tools for beautiful eyelashes. But wait, are you using it correctly? First of all, one should curl the base and then the middle and lastly the tip for the perfect curl. And ensure that you are holding down the clamp each time for a few seconds. After curling brush mascara through your lashes in a zigzag motion to prevent it from clumping. You have to take care that mascara should always be applied after curling as it could damage your lashes.

2. Baby powder

Baby powder is what is recommended for bigger issues. Just brush a thin coat of mascara and then dust some baby powder on your palms and then dip a Q-tip in it. Then slowly apply it to your lashes and make sure your lashes are covered with baby powder. They will look white but don’t worry! Now brush another coat of mascara and apply on your lashes –that will give your lashes a longer and fuller look.

3. Change Your Mascara for that beautiful Eyelashes

It’s okay to try different mascaras for a different look. Different mascaras have different advantages which give your lashes a longer look, and some give it the volumes so don’t stick to one mascara as it is perfectly okay to use different mascaras for the trendy eyelashes.

4. It’s all about the diet

Yes, what affects your body also affects your lashes. It is necessary to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals to promote stronger, longer and heavier lashes. Multivitamin supplements can also help. Above all, it’s a natural way which can boost growth, so eat healthy food.

 5. Tight lining

The word means “Applying eyeliner along your upper water line to give it to the illusion of thick, full lash line.”Ensure your eyeliner is pencil and not the liquid, and it should match the colour of your mascara. While applying liner on your lids, one should take care to draw it as close to the lash line to fill any gaps between the lashes. The tight lining will dazzle them.


How to grow eyelashes fast with these Natural Remedies?

Castor Oil

The magical castor which we all have in our kitchen has an amazing effect on hair growth. Apply it with a brush onto your lashes daily for thicker and stronger lashes without mascara. It will create a wondrous effect on your lashes in a few days only.

Mix one drop of Lavender oil or Neem oil and two drops of Castor Oil and apply it on the eyelashes with the help of your old mascara wand. You can keep it overnight for the best results.

Petroleum Jelly

It is the easiest and most common home remedy that works efficiently in growing the eyelashes. Simply, take petroleum jelly on the tip of your finger and apply on the lashes carefully. Leave it overnight and wash it with plain water in the morning.

Lemon Peels Soaked In Olive

Cut one lemon into small pieces and soak it into ¼ cup of olive oil and leave the solution for 2-3 days. Apply this oil before you go to bed at night and wash it early in the morning for the fuller and longer lashes.

Green Tea

Healthy nutrients and caffeine present in green tea also have an amazing effect on your eyelashes. You can dab cotton in green tea and brush onto your lashes for stimulating its growth. It’s a natural and healthier way for longer-looking lashes.

It is one of my favourite remedies because I can drink it and also apply it to my lashes. Simply make a cup of green tea with green tea leaves. Once the tea water has cooled down, apply it on your lashes and leave it overnight.

Vitamin E

For this remedy, you will need a few Vitamin E capsules. Take one capsule and open it to take out its oil. Apply the oil present inside on your eyelashes. Keep this on for three to four hours. Wash it off with normal water.

Shea Butter

Shea butter has an excellent amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin E that nourishes eyelashes. It can be applied same as Petroleum Jelly.

Aloe Vera

How to grow eyelashes fast ? Aloe Vera gel is helpful for many things, including the long eye lashes. Apply a coat on your lashes with a clean mascara wand at night. It will give your lashes super thick look as nutrients in Aloe Vera will boost them.

Lavender and Castor Oil

For this remedy, you will need one teaspoon castor oil, 2-3 drops lavender essential oil, 2-3 drops cedarwood essential oil and an empty mascara bottle. Pour all these oils into an empty and clean mascara bottle. Close the lid and then shake well so that the oils get mixed. Using your mascara wand, apply a thin coat of this oil blend on your eyelashes. Keep this on overnight and rinse it off in the morning with water.


Beat one egg and mix one tablespoon of glycerin in it. Stir thoroughly to get a thick mixture. Take a fresh, clean cotton swab and dip it into this mixture. Apply the mixture on your eyelashes. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Hope we were able to address all your concerns on How to grow eyelashes fast. We always take care of our skin and hair, then why don’t we care more for our eyelashes? Take some time out from your daily routine and follow these home remedies before sleeping for getting the beautiful and flaunting eyelashes naturally. These tips are simple and quick to use. Follow a healthy beauty regimen and use these tips to get thicker and longer eyelashes. ‘Life is short, your eyelashes shouldn’t be.’ 

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