Home Remedies to get rid of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infection is a common health problem in which women are more prone to this problem. When the bladder and its exit tubes are infected with bacteria then it results in UTI. It affects any part of the urinary tract that includes urethra, bladder, kidneys or ureters. 

Sexual intercourse, diabetes, menopause, waiting too long to urinate, kidney disorders, weakened immune system, chemotherapy, usage of a urinary catheter, pregnancy are main causes of this UTI. 

Burning sensation while urinating, abdominal or pelvic pain, frequent urge to urinate, change in urine color or smell, nausea, vomiting, fever, discomfort or pain around the urethra and bladder, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, etc. are some common symptoms experienced while suffering from UTI. 

If it is not treated immediately then it not only damages urinary tract but also damages kidneys. Taking antibiotics and OTC medications in the longer run will harm your system. So, consult your doctor for treating your UTI problem and use the below mentioned natural remedies as an adjunct treatment to get rid this infection quickly.


Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection:

Here are some best and most effective home remedies that work well in treating urinary tract infections naturally. Let’s have a look at these natural remedies and follow them regularly.


Remedy – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar has a great source of potassium, amino acids, enzymes and other minerals that fight against the bacteria causing UTI. It also acts as an antibiotic to prevent this infection.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of organic cider vinegar and a little honey in 1 glass of water.
  • Stir well and drink it to prevent the infection.
  • Continue the intake of apple cider vinegar drink for twice daily till you get rid of the infection completely.


Remedy – 2: (Indian Gooseberry)

Indian gooseberry (or amla) is rich in vitamin C that strengthens your immune system to inhibit the growth of bacteria in your body.

  • Add 1 teaspoon each of Indian gooseberry powder and turmeric powder in 1 cup of water.
  • Stir well and boil it till half of the water evaporates.
  • Turn off the heat and drink it for three times a day.
  • Continue drinking this mix for 3 – 5 days till you cleared the infection in your urinary tract.

Note: Also, consume fruits rich in vitamin C like oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, melon, guava, berries, lemon, bananas, papaya, etc.


Remedy – 3: (Cranberry Juice)

Proanthocyanidin is a compound present in cranberries which help a lot in preventing bacteria from reaching the walls of the urethra causing UTIs. It has antibiotic and acidic nature that helps to flush out the bacteria and toxins causing this infection.

  • The intake of 1/2 glass of cranberry juice daily will help to prevent the urinary tract infections effectively.
  • Also, those who are suffering from UTI should drink at least 3 – 4 glasses of cranberry juice daily to prevent the risk of getting damage to the kidneys and also to clear the infection.
  • Make sure to drink unsweetened cranberry juice or else mixed with any fruit juice (like apple juice) to enhance its taste.

Note: Avoid drinking cranberry juice if you’re suffering or suffered from kidney stones.


Remedy – 4: (Tea Tree Oil)

The antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil will help you in clearing the bacteria causing this bladder infection along with soothing the pain, irritation and burning sensation in the urethra.

Here are a few ways of using tea tree oil for urinary tract infections.

  • Pour 10 drops of tea tree oil in your bathtub filled with water. Stir well and use this water to rinse your urethra and its opening area. Repeat the same regularly to get relief from this urinary tract infection and its symptoms.
  • Mix equal quantities of tea tree oil, sandalwood oil and juniper oil in a small bowl. Stir well and use it to rub on your abdominal area and on the area near the bladder. Massage gently for a couple of minutes to reduce the pain associated with UTIs. Do it once daily for 3 – 4 days.
  • Prepare a UTI soak by mixing 6 drops of tea tree oil and 2 teaspoons of plain yogurt in your warm bath water. Stir and soak in this warm water for about 10 minutes and rinse the area. Repeat it daily for 10 – 12 days till you get relief from the pain and burning sensation of UTI.


Remedy – 5: (Blueberries)

The bacterial inhibiting and antioxidants properties of blueberries will help you in treating UTI by boosting the immune system and preventing the growth of bacteria causing UTIs.

Have a look at some easy ways of using blueberries for urinary tract infections.

  • Simple take some fresh blueberries and add it to your favorite cereal. Have it as your breakfast on regular basis. Include fresh blueberries in your daily diet to prevent UTIs.
  • Prepare blueberry juice freshly and have it daily – once in the morning and once at night before bedtime to get relief from this infection.

Note: Make sure that not to add any artificial sweetener to these blueberries recipes.


Remedy – 6: (Pineapple)

The Bromelain is an enzyme present in pineapple exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the bacteria causing UTI and its pain or burning sensation.

  • Simply consume 1 cup of pineapple regularly till you get a complete relief from UTIs.
  • Or prepare a juice from 1/2 a pineapple and drink it daily.
  • Make sure to use a fresh pineapple why because the canned version may contain preservatives.
  • Continue the intake of pineapple regularly until you get a complete relief from urinary tract infections and also to reduce the risk of getting kidney disorders.


Remedy – 7: (Uva Ursi)

Uva ursi is an herbal remedy that has various substances which help a lot in fighting the infection causing UTIs. This herb contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in clearing the infection-causing microbes.

You can easily get this herb at any drugstores in supplement forms. When taken this supplement then it gently stimulates urination to clear the infection.


  • In a study, it is showed that the combination of dandelion root, dandelion leaf, and bearberry leaf will help a lot in reducing UTI and its recurrence.
  • People who are suffering from kidney or liver disorders, pregnant or nursing women, children should avoid taking uva ursi.


Remedy – 8: (Hot Water Compress)

Hot water compress will help a lot in minimizing the bladder pressure and gives relief from the pain caused by this urinary tract infection. This compress will reduce the pain, burning sensation and inflammation by preventing the growth of bacteria causing this infection.

  • Pour some hot water into a flexible water bottle.
  • Place this hot water bottle on the lower abdomen.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes to relieve your pain and infection.
  • Repeat the same process several times daily till you get relief from urinary tract infections.

Note: Or place a heating pad on the lower abdominal area to get relief from the pain and irritation.


Remedy – 9: (Natural Oils)

The usage of natural oils which exhibits antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you a lot in dealing with the irritation, itching, and discomfort caused by a urinary tract infection.

Have a look at some natural oils that deal with this bladder infection.

  • Clove oil exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in relieving pain and thus promotes quick healing. You can either apply clove oil topically on the affected area or simply take it internally for 2 weeks. But remember that you should take it under the control of health care provider.
  • Myrrh oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help to treat infections effectively. So, apply it topically with a cool or warm compress or rub it directly on the skin. Also, use a pure & high-quality product internally.
  • Oregano oil is an excellent remedy for treating bacterial infections with its anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties. It inhibits the growth of E.coli (bacteria were commonly seen in UTIs) and speeds up the healing process. Take oregano oil internally with water or coconut oil (not more than 2 weeks) or simply apply topically on your lower abdomen.


Remedy – 10: (Diet Plan)

Planning your diet will help you a lot in strengthening your immune system and thereby prevent the infection and its symptoms.

  • Baking soda balances the acid-alkaline levels in the system and thereby gives relief from the pain and burning sensation caused due to UTI. So, dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water and drink this baking soda water for once or twice daily to speed up the recovery.
  • Drinking plenty of water is the best remedy while suffering from a urinary tract infection. So, try to drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water daily to urinate more often and to flush out the bacteria or harmful toxins out of the system. Also, drink fruit or vegetable juices to provide essential nutrients to the body.
  • Consume foods which are rich in vitamin C which makes the urine more acidic and thereby inhibits the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. Or simply take vitamin C supplements till you get relief from the problem.
  • Cut the bladder irritant foods from your diet like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, spicy or hot foods, carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, etc. while suffering from irritants.
  • Consume more of healthy foods like high fiber carbohydrates (lentil soup or oatmeal) which are good for digestive system and thereby strengthen your immune system to prevent the attack of bacteria getting into the urinary tract.
  • Not only water but also the intake of watery fruits and vegetables like cucumber, watermelon, sugarcane juice, buttermilk, coconut water (or coconut milk), parsley boiled water, etc. to flush out the bacteria or other harmful toxins from the system.
  • Probiotics help a lot in promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut and improve digestive health and enhance immunity. So, consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kombucha, kefir, etc.
  • Drinking herbal teas like parsley tea, marshmallow root tea or coriander tea will help you to get rid of urinary tract infection or bladder infection.


Tips and Precautions:

  1. These remedies will definitely help you in dealing with urinary tract infections but if you didn’t get any relief from these UTI symptoms then consult your doctor, especially suffering from blood in the urine, vomiting, high fever or persist more than a week (with severe symptoms) for proper diagnose and treatment.
  2. The intake of antibiotics will warm your immune system and thereby causes some side effects rather than reducing the symptoms of UTI.
  3. Every time make sure to empty your bladder, even if it is just a small amount to get rid of bacteria and other germs causing infections. Also, be sure to clean your toilets regularly and flush out after every usage.
  4. The intake of herbal remedies like bearberry leaf, goldenseal, stinging nettle leaves, etc. will help you in giving relief from urinary tract infections. Also, be sure to check with your doctor before taking these herbs why because they cause some side effects or interact with other medications.
  5. Always make sure to rinse your private parts (or urinate) before and after your sexual intercourse. Wipe yourself clean from front to back to make it dry and free from the growth of bacteria but don’t overdo it.
  6. Quit smoking and lessen the intake of alcohol, as they aggravate the symptoms of UTI.
  7. Always prefer to wear loose cotton clothing and clean underwear’s to prevent the moisture from the skin and thereby to reduce the infection getting worse. Also, choose fragrance-free personal hygiene products.
  8. If using any other existing medications or suffering from health conditions them make sure to consult your doctor before taking any medications or UTI treatments why because it may have an adverse effect on the health and worse the UTI symptoms.
  9. There are several natural supplements that help a lot in reducing the risk of developing a UTI. So, use D – Mannose (a type of sugar related to glucose, treats UTIs and prevent recurrence), cranberry extract (prevent bacteria from adhering to urinary tract) and garlic (exhibits antimicrobial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria causing UTIs), etc.
  10. The usage of spermicides or unlubricated condoms will increase the irritation, itching, and growth of bacteria. So, always choose lubricated condoms which don’t have spermicides to prevent the spread of UTIs.
  11. A pelvic sitz bath involves sitting in a tub filled with warm water to cover the pelvic area, lower abdomen, and upper thighs to reduce the pain and cramping. For best results, start from warm water for about 5 – 8 minutes and then fill it with cold water tub for a minute.


Final Word:

All these natural home remedies will give relief from the urinary tract infection if followed regularly with proper lifestyle habits and healthy diet. Do you know any other successful natural remedies for treating urinary tract infection? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box

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